“Objective: To profile the patients with breast cancer who were attended on the emergency (ER) of Hospital Araújo Jorge. Methods: All patients attended on ER of the hospital on the period of 21/05/2015 until 31/05/2015 were interviewed according a quiz that had informations like age, gender, diagnostic, the reason for going there, frequency of visit on the ER e actual treatment. The study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Research and the patients signed an Informed Consent Form. Results: A total of 31 patients with breast cancer was seen during the period, all of them females. From these, 97% was from the state of Goiás and 58% from the capital Goiânia, evidencing the predominance of patients from the institution’s state. As expected in a public institution, 93% of women didn’t have health insurance. The most common complaint was pain (38%), abdominal or diffuse pain most commonly; followed by dyspnea and fever, which were responsible for 12% each. In between all of their complaints, more than 65% was related to the neoplasia from the breast. In terms of age at diagnosis, 29% was diagnosed between ages 20 to 40, 45% from 41 to 60, and the rest was older than 61 years old. When asked regarding the frequency of ED visits, 32% of women reported to be their first time, 28% reported weekly visits, and 23% would come to the ED in a monthly basis. Moreover, when patients returned to the ED, 57% presented with the same complaint of their last visit. From all patients, 25% was not receiving active treatment for their cancer. Conclusion: The actual study shows that the mayor of the patients were from Goiás and had no health insurance, had the diagnosed of breast cancer between 41 and 60 years and the common symptom was pain.Key words: Breast cancer, Hospital Araújo Jorge, profile”