Elizabeth Estevo, Nilza Alves Marques Almeida, Ruffo de Freitas Júnior, Júlio Henrique de Oliveira, Marta Rovery de Souza

Institution: SMS

Objective: To describe mammography coverage estimations of breast cancer in women from Goiás aged between 50 and 69 years, from 2008 to 2013. Methodology: Mammography coverage were estimated from telephone interviews in random samples in the population of women aged 50-69 years from 2008 to 2013 in the city of Goiânia, Goiás, based on the indicators monitored by the Risk and Protective Factors Surveillance System for Chronic Diseases Telephone Survey (VIGITEL) for prevention of breast cancer. VIGITEL indicators are based on the proportion of women who underwent mammography at some point in life and in the proportion of women who underwent mammography in the past two years prior to the interview, according to the answer to the question: “How long did you have mammograms?”. Results: From 2008 to 2013, the VIGITEL system selected 15,627 fixed telephone lines eligible in Goiânia and conducted 7,154 interviews. The “mammogram at some point in life” indicator showed slight variations above 90%, more frequently in 2012 (95.1%) and lowest in 2008 (90.7%); but the indicator “mammogram in the past two years” presented highest variation in 2011 (78.2%) and lowest in 2009 (70.5%). Although the data shows that women underwent mammography at some point, the ideal frequency of the exam, as recommended by the Ministry of Health for this age group, which is biennial, is not followed on average for 25% of the women from Goiás. Conclusions: The mammography coverage estimations presented by the VIGITEL system show the vulnerability of women from Goiânia to breast cancer. Because of this, access strategies and adherence of women to prevention and early detection of breast cancer, increased surveillance and control of risk factors are necessary.

 Keywords: Breast cancer, mammography, early detection,