Institution: Centro Universitário de Anápolis – UniEvangélica
“Objectives: Evaluate the difference in sensitivity and specificity of the digital mammogram (DM), MRI and the dual-energy contrast-enhanced spectral mammography (CESM) in detecting breast cancer and local staging.Methodology: Prospective cohort studies with 60 (sixty) patients that presented with suspicious mammary lesions (BIRADS 0, 3, 4 e 5) on their tracking or diagnostic mammograms. All of these patients were submitted to a CESM on the Senographe Essential GE Healthcare machine followed by and MRI on the Optima 450W.Results: The present study is still in progress. The method has been shown as safe (without reactions to the contrast), there is more comfort and more swiftness to the exam and its interpretation when compared to the MRI. The partial results showed thnon-operator dependent, with positive and negative predictive values extremelly high, avoiding unnecessary biopsies, but also other methods like MRIs and even breast ultrasounds. With that, we would have a scenario with a significative cost reduction and lower anxiety from the patients, allowing higher rates of early diagnosis of breast cancer.Key-words: breast cancer; digital mammogram; contrast mammography; CESM; the CESM sensitivity is superior than that of the DM and close to the MRI. Another result found was the increase in sensitivity of the CESM while detecting new tumor sites (on the breast with suspicious immagery and on the contralateral) when compared to the conventional mammogram.Conclusion: Maybe we are experiencing another paradigm break concerning breast evaluation. If the strong literature data persists, it is possible to get a glimpse of the near future, a setting where we could have a simple method, reproducible, “