Maria Eugênia Lulini Cintra, Annah Rachel Graciano

Institution: Centro Universitário de Anápolis – UniEVANGÉLICA

Objectives: To correlate the evaluation of BI-RADS (Breast Image Reporting and Data System) results by age in brazilian women during the year 2013. Methods: It´s a quantitative and qualitative research constituted by a cross-sectional study conducted in Goiás, Brazil in the year 2015. The population contain women aged between 11 and 100 years old totaling 51,297 mammographic reports. The informations were obtained from a specific information system of breast and cancer in Brazil (SISMAMA), categorized in conventional BI-RADS groups according to 13 age groups between 11 and 100 years old. The informations were quantified and evaluated by scale of proportion. Results: Was identified that 50% of mammographic findings were normal (BI-RADS 1), and 31% corresponding to benign findings. When was evaluated the findings that suggested breast carcinoma (BI-RADS 5), the age group with highest prevalence was between 55 and 59 years (21%), followed by the age group between 50 and 54 years (17%). There weren´t breast cancer cases in people under 30 years of age. Conclusion: Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women, except for skin cancer. In Brazil, the search for standardization mammographic reports, was adopted as the consensus BI-RADS model, aimed mainly to orientate the doctor as the best approach to be taken in accordance with mammographic findings – negative, benign, probably benign, suspicious and highly suspect. In the analysis of findings that are suggestive of malignancy, the peak incidence occurred between 50 and 59 years old. It´s suggests the necessity of greater suspicion and early intervention in this population.

Keywords: mammography, breast cancer.