Régis R Paulinelli, Sara S. Faria, Ruffo Freitas-Júnior.

Program of Mastology, Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Federal University of Goiás.Objective: To define bibliometric indicators about research on oncoplasty and breast reconstruction. Material and Methods: A literature search was conducted using PubMed between 1980 and 2016 using the terms “reconstructive breast cancer surgery” and “oncoplastic breast cancer”. Among 2,786 abstracts, 1,521 papers met the inclusion criteria. Statistical analyses were performed using SPSS and GraphPad Prism 6.0. It was considered significant a p< 0.05. Results: There was a sharp increase in annual rate of publications, from 0 in 1980 to 109 in 2016 (y=3.84, R2=0.79, p<0.01). Most articles (n=1.197; 78.8%) were on total breast reconstruction, and the remaining on oncoplasty. The mean impact factor was 2.44 (+ 5.08). The mean of citations per paper was 3.67 (+ 5.85). In America, USA published 612 (40.3%) articles, followed by Canada – 37 (2.4%), and Brazil – 22 (1.4%). In Europe, Italy published 124 (8.2%) articles, followed by England – 116 (7.6%), France – 89 (5.9%) and Germany – 68 (4.5%). In Asia, Japan published 62 (4.1%) articles, followed by China – 21 (1.4%). In Oceania, Australia published 36 (2.4%) articles. In Africa, Turkey published 16 (1.1%) articles.  There were 1,035 papers (68.1%) written by plastic surgeons, 447 (29.4%) by breast surgeons, and 26 (1.7%) by radiologists. The specialty of the first author was unknown in 12 (0.8%) cases. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery was the magazine with more published papers (n=308, 20.3%), followed by Annals of Plastic Surgery (n=166, 10.9%), Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery (n=97, 6.4%) and The Breast (n=60, 3.9%). The language was English in 1,380 (90.8%) publications, French in 35 (2.3%) and German in 31 (2.0%). Conclusion: Number and quality of publications on breast reconstruction increased over the years, over the world, over different medical specialties, and it may reflect the importance and interest of this field. bibliometrics, breast cancer, breast reconstruction, oncoplastic surgery.