Title: Survival in patients with stage IV HER2 positive breast cancer

Objective: The objective of this study is to outline the profile of patients who undergo mammography in the Brazilian scenario between the years of 2013 and 2014.



Lara C. R. Alvarenga; Luís M. M. Medeiros; Mateus F. O. Vilela; Bráulio B. Rodrigues;

Isadora G. C. K. Severino; Júlia R. Moraes; Mirian P. Silva.

Centro Universitário – UniEvangélica

Objective: The objective of this study is to outline the profile of patients who undergo

mammography in the Brazilian scenario between the years of 2013 and 2014.

Methodology: It is a retrospective and quantitative study presenting a cross-sectional

approach carried out in Brazil between the years of 2013 to 2014. It was based on the

general female population who underwent mammography in this selected period.

Data were obtained from the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System

(DATASUS), of secondary order, in the database category of the Breast Cancer

Information System (SISMAMA). The age of the women studied, their region of origin,

the results found in this exam, as well as their final conduct according to each case

were also used as variables. Results: During the analysis period of the study, 4,041,101

mammograms were performed in women aged less than 10 years older to 70 in Brazil.

Of these, the prevalence among those aged between 50 and 54 years is responsible for

approximately 20% of the total number of exams. In addition, most mammograms

were performed in the Southeast region, followed by the Northeast, South, Central –

West and North regions of the country. According to the results obtained in the total

number of mammograms performed, 1,930,433 were classified as Bi-RADS 2, and

50,921 were suspected or highly suggestive of malignant breast neoplasm. Among the

latter, the prevalent age group was those older than 70 years. Regarding the conducts

for mammograms performed, 3,442,629 women were instructed to repeat the

examination every 2 years, 50,921 were biopsied and only 2,689 were referred for

specific therapy. Conclusion: It is known that breast cancer is the most prevalent

cancer in women all over the world and thus its screening and early diagnosis is

necessary. One of the main risk factors is age, justifying the highest number of

mammograms among women over 50 years of age, as well as their highest occurrence

in the elderly. Also, expanding screening in regions such as the Midwest and North

regions to women with risk factors and clinical symptoms is essential to know the

neoplasia in its earliest stages and to obtain better prognosis in the ducts.

Key words: Breast, Breast neoplasms, Unified Health System, Mammographies, breast

cancer screening