Samantha Tayan Lopes Bueno da Silva (UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE GOIAS), Uilly U. S. Ribeiro (UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE GOIAS), Clara B. dos S. Azevedo (), Eduardo L. de M. Júnior (), Thaynara de M. Pacheco (), Thaynara Mercadante (), Eny K. N. Santos (), Lorra

Universidade Federal de GoiásTo evaluate the percentage of unsatisfactory cytopathological breast exams in Goiânia between 2011 and 2014. Data were collected from the Breast Cancer Information System (SISMAMA) regarding the unsatisfactory cytopathological exams performed in Goiânia, between 2011 and 2014, in relation to the total cytopathological breast exams in that period, according to service providers. The exams analyzed were: nipple discharge, aspiration puncture by thin needle, and cytologic examination of cystic masses. According to SISMAMA, in the year 2011, 5.88% of the nipple discharges performed in Goiânia were unsatisfactory, that is, they did not allow an adequate evaluation and had to be repeated; the rate for aspiration puncture was 18.97%; and 5.68% for cytologic examination. In 2012, unsatisfactory nipple discharges fell to 2.67% of the total, as aspiration punctures rose to 24.79% and cytologic examination reached the percentage of 8.77%. As early as 2013, as aspiration punctures and as analyzes of cytologic examination suffered a reduction to percentages of 21.86% and 8.77%, respectively. As nipple discharges, on the other hand, rose to 5.41%. In the year 2014, as unsatisfactory aspiration punctures increased again, representing 25.42% of the realized. However, what called more attention this year was the significant increase in nipple discharges and unsatisfactory cytologic exams: unsatisfactory nipple discharges reached 42.86% of the total and cytologic examination reached 33.33%. Breast desease have a high prevalence in Brazil, which reiterates the importance of early detection of cancer, in order to reduce the patients morbidity and mortality rates. For this, it’s necessary adequate examination techniques with high specificity and sensitivity, giving early and accurate diagnosis for an effective treatment of the disease.Breast neoplasm, cytopathological exams