Shirley Dósea dos Santos Naziazeno, Lícia Roberta de Souza, Luise Viviane Hora Gois da Paz, Alzira Maria d’Ávila Nery Guimarães, Leila Luíza Conceição Gonçalves

Institution: Universidade Federal de Sergipe

“Objective: Identify the intervals of time in phases of driving cases of breast cancer and strategies used by women to overcome the barriers faced in accessing health care. Method: A descriptive study, cross-sectional, whose sample consisted of 58 women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy, admitted in the Public Oncology Clinic in Aracaju /SE. The collection took place from October 2011 to March 2012, through semi-structured interview, with data analyzed using SPSS software, version 17. Results: Among the interviewed forty-two women (79%) had access to treatment from the third month after the discovery of changes in the breast. The main component of total delay is the period confirmation of the diagnosis (58%). Imaging tests (64%) and procedures for confirmation of diagnosis (64%) were the stages to the health care to what else we used the strategies to speed access in health, through the cost of these with or without help family and friends, 44 (76%). Conclusion: The results show the need to improve access to health services for the diagnosis of this cancer.

Descriptors: Breast Neoplasms; Oncology Nursing; Delayed Diagnosis; Health Services Accessibility.”