Fábio Ferreira Marques, Juliana Moreira Ribeiro, Gabriel Garcia Cunha Lopes, Geraldo Porto Magalhães Netto, Isadora Coelho Matos, Sâmia Maria Skaf Vieira,

Institution: Centro Universitário de Anápolis – UniEvangélica

“Objectives: To analyze the morbidity of malignancy breast neoplasm in the regions of Brazil. Methodology: This refers to a quantitative epidemiological study with approach cross section held in Brazil between 2008 and 2014. Data were obtained from DATASUS, secondary, in TABNET, selecting significant variables. Results: It was found that the period for the years 2008 and 2014 was 77,202,269 morbidities. Moreover, the Southeast had 38.44% of morbidities and the largest amount in every year analyzed, while the North and Midwest were with the least amount, 8.89% and 7.89% respectively. It is also observed that 51.96% of admissions were private regime, and in the North and Northeast prevailed the public system. Moreover, the predominant urgent care character, 80.15% of the total, with the Southeast region with the largest amount of this type of service, 29.71%. In relation to ethnicity 32,36% of the total was white states, with 16.47% in the Southeast and 12.13% in the South. While the Northeast most are brown, 12.05%. It is noteworthy that 34.01% of the total could not say their color. Finally, the age group showed that 19.01% of cases occur 20 to 29 years, with higher prevalence in the Southeast with 6.68% of the total, and that there is a drop in morbidity number from 60, represented in the range 60-69, 70-79 and 80 above, 9.32%, 7.79% and 5.16% respectively. Conclusion: This study revealed that breast cancer has a relative share of female morbidity, since it has only a higher rate in the age group 20 to 29 years. Nevertheless, the great number displayed in the years analyzed proves the severity of the condition. Therefore, it is clear the need to perform the self-examination and mammography for the early diagnosis and treatment.

Keywords: Breast Neoplasms; Morbidity.