Lucas Yago Souza Schmidt, Dowglas Pereira de Oliveira, Valdair Lopes de Oliveira Filho, Arthur Moreira Gomes,
Institution: Fundação Universidade Federal do Tocantins
“IntroductionData offered by Ministério da Saúde points that along 2014-2015 were registered 180 new cases of breast cancer in Tocantins, demonstrating incresing demand of control and prevention of the pathology through the clinical and the autoexam. The socioeconomic diference between the microregions from the state’s capital signals especific development of health’s primary attention, interfering on life quality’s promotion in community’s scope. Therefore, this work aims investigation of influences for disparities on supplied assistence by Unidades de Saúde da Família (USF) in Palmas, TO.Material and MethodsThe obtention of data was effective by questionnaire composed with objective itens validated by Universidade Federal de Pelotas (UFPel), applied in 20 USF of county, distributed in two polos with structural and socioeconomic contrasting aspects, namely: central zone (North and South master plans) and peripheral zone (Aureny and Taquari). The quantitative tab of obtained informations propitiated characterization of primary assistence in the county.ResultsFollowing the obtained informations, the units of Taquari/Aureny have gotten major quantities of actions for weight control, health practices and orientation related to breast cancer in comparison to north units. The adaptation to social conditions of the community is seen when the proportion of attended women out of reach areas from north units comes to 20%, as well as opportunistic screening actions totaling 60%. Meanwhile, in other studied regions the statistics reach 50% and 100%, respectively, due rural zones and quilombolas next to the area. Besides, 100% from the units of more vulnerability acclaimed to get more attention on investigation of risk factors for this morbidity, while in the most developed area this number is close to 60%.ConclusionIt’s noted by the results that one of the Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) principles, equity, is being exercised in practice, since there is a greater supply of breast cancer prevention actions for socially vulnerable population.Key words: Breast Cancer. Women’s Health. Primary Attention. Social Vulnerability.